Advice & Blog - Page 21 of 29 - Kimmy Seltzer | Confidence Therapist & Authentic Dating Strategist

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

7 ‘Outdated’ Dating Rules We Should Bring Back Old-timey dating rules get a bad rap for good reason. Overall, they tend to propagate silly, non-feminist notions about finding love: “Wait for him to ask you out. A lady never makes the first move.” “Follow the three-day rule: Don’t contact your date until three whole days have passed.”… Continue Reading

Ask Women Podcast

Ask Women Podcast

Guys, this podcast is for you! Join the “Wing Girl” Marni Kinrys and I on this podcast to get real answers from real women to the questions you have about women. On this show, I talk about: The 5 archetypes of women I works with Why women have boundaries and how to knock them down… Continue Reading

How to Make a Great Professional First Impression

How to Make a Great Professional First Impression

From the moment you walk into a room or meeting, other people are sizing you up based on how you’ve presented yourself. They’re making snap judgments based on your overall look, personal style, and attitude to deduce what kind of person you are, so you want to be certain that you’re sending the right message. To get started, here… Continue Reading

What Would Kim Do?: Get Clicks With Your Pics Online

What Would Kim Do?: Get Clicks With Your Pics Online

You’re scrolling through hundreds of pictures online to find that special someone who captures your eye. Like a slot machine, you suddenly stop at that one picture that captivates you amongst the blur of faces. It’s only then that you start reading the profile to see if its someone you would consider taking that next… Continue Reading

How to Brand Yourself as an Entrepreneur

How to Brand Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Developing your professional brand as an entrepreneur is important because the image you present to the world will determine how you get treated, what caliber of clients you attract, and what opportunities will show up for you in the future. For all of these reasons, you want to make sure you’re presenting a strong, confident, and persuasive image to… Continue Reading

What Would Kim Do?: The Power of Color

What Would Kim Do?: The Power of Color

We all have our favorite colors to wear, but how often do you stop to think about the power of color, and the impact that can have other people’s perception of you? In my Fashion Ambush series, I surprise unsuspecting shoppers and give them fashion tips and help them pick out flattering clothes. Watch as… Continue Reading

Make Heads Turn: Dress for Success

Make Heads Turn: Dress for Success

Courtney McKenzie invited me to be on her podcast, Entrepreneur 2.0, with the goal of helping listeners do one thing well – make heads turn! In this interview, you’ll learn: The power of presentation How to make the best first impression The “Act As If” Model and how you apply it to your business The… Continue Reading

How to Flirt: Psychological Secrets of Attraction

How to Flirt: Psychological Secrets of Attraction

“Flirting is instinctive and deeply ingrained in us through evolution. Almost all animals from birds to fish and even fruit flies know how to flirt. However, the rise in popularity of Internet dating is a game changer, and as traditional gender roles continue to evolve so do traditional flirting norms. A deeper understanding of modern… Continue Reading

3 Tips For An Online Dating Photo That The Right Guys Will Love!

3 Tips For An Online Dating Photo That The Right Guys Will Love!

Your online dating photo is the first thing that catches a man’s eye online, so it’s literally the digital equivalent of a first impression. And since this first impression doesn’t also include your charm, good energy, or winning personality, it’s that much more important that you choose an amazing photo for your online dating profile – one that showcases the… Continue Reading

What To Wear To A Winter Wedding

What To Wear To A Winter Wedding

Tis the season to sparkle at a dramatic winter wedding! Getting dressed for any wedding can be a challenge, but unpredictable weather and freezing temperatures make figuring out what to wear to a winter wedding particularly difficult. To help you choose a look that keeps you warm without sacrificing style, here’s my comprehensive guide on what to wear to… Continue Reading

Dress the Part to Steal His Heart

Dress the Part to Steal His Heart

In order to attract the man of your dreams, it is vital to dress in a way ?that honors your beautiful figure. This means that you should only wear clothes that make the best of your unique shape. Before you hop on whatever trend they’re pushing in Hollywood, ask yourself if the look works for you and your… Continue Reading

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