HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

7 ‘Outdated’ Dating Rules We Should Bring Back Old-timey dating rules get a bad rap for good reason. Overall, they tend to propagate silly, non-feminist notions about finding love: “Wait for him to ask you out. A lady never makes the first move.” “Follow the three-day rule: Don’t contact your date until three whole days have passed.”… Continue Reading

Keep It Fresh by Dating Your Partner

Keep It Fresh by Dating Your Partner

On the “I Do Podcast”, I spoke about how to keep that spark alive with your significant other. It turns out, a great way to keep things fresh is to continue to date them. Its easy to fall into a routine and let things get stale, but if you focus on keeping things exciting your… Continue Reading

How First Impressions Can Make or Break Your Business

How First Impressions Can Make or Break Your Business

What are your customers’ first impression of you? What kind of message are you sending to your clients? Is your personal brand in line with your business’s brand? Do you give off competence through confidence? Or are you sending mixed signals that come across negatively? I was invited to be an expert speaker at Erin… Continue Reading

Don’t Hide It, Flaunt it!

Don’t Hide It, Flaunt it!

  For those of you who don’t know my story, I want to get a little personal with you and share something about myself today. I recently spoke at Marni Battista’s Ignite Your Life summit for women and I decided to wear my big, oversized “mommy” clothes on stage. The clothes I once wore long… Continue Reading

Pamper Yourself to get “Date Ready”

Pamper Yourself to get “Date Ready”

You just came from work, you’re stressed, and your mind is in a million places. Doesn’t sound like you’re ready to go on a date, does it? In this video for Digital Romance, I share with you some ways to relax, unwind, and pamper yourself so that you can be completely ready for your date. Continue Reading

5 Ways to Look & Feel Red Hot On Valentine’s Day

5 Ways to Look & Feel Red Hot On Valentine’s Day

What do Valentine’s Day and Halloween have in common? Both holidays give you a chance to dress up and perhaps wear something a little risqué that you perhaps wouldn’t normally wear. Regardless of if you are celebrating with your man, going out with your girlfriends to attract a new one or just pampering yourself on Valentine’s Day,… Continue Reading

“Lighten Up, Francis.”

“Lighten Up, Francis.”

  Does anyone know where the phrase, “Lighten up Francis” comes from? It is actually from the classic movie Stripes to the character “Psycho” played by Conrad Dunn. Psycho says “Anyone calls me Francis, I’ll kill em.” To which the drill Sgt. Hulka (Warren Oates) says “Lighten up, Francis.” It refers to taking something too… Continue Reading

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