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Outfit Ideas: How To Put Together A Stylish Date-Night Outfit

Outfit Ideas: How To Put Together A Stylish Date-Night Outfit

Do you hate getting ready to go out because coming up with stylish outfit ideas is so difficult? Do you end up wearing the same clothes over and over again because you’re afraid to break out of your comfort zone and try something new? Is it actually easier for you to buy a new outfit than to work… Continue Reading

What Would Kim Do?: I Hate Shopping!

What Would Kim Do?: I Hate Shopping!

You walk into a department store and all of the clothes looks like one big blob. The blob then becomes a live monster that envelopes you. Before suffocating you hurriedly pick an item from the sales rack because it’s a good price, grab a shirt because you like the color and quickly check out at… Continue Reading

How To Look Professional And Stylish

How To Look Professional And Stylish

      Dressing like a professional doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style or stop looking like you. It’s more about up leveling your wardrobe to enhance the real you so people give you a chance, rather than make inaccurate and unfair assumptions based on what you’re wearing.   To get started, here are my three favorite… Continue Reading

How to Make a Great Professional First Impression

How to Make a Great Professional First Impression

From the moment you walk into a room or meeting, other people are sizing you up based on how you’ve presented yourself. They’re making snap judgments based on your overall look, personal style, and attitude to deduce what kind of person you are, so you want to be certain that you’re sending the right message. To get started, here… Continue Reading

What Would Kim Do?: Get Clicks With Your Pics Online

What Would Kim Do?: Get Clicks With Your Pics Online

You’re scrolling through hundreds of pictures online to find that special someone who captures your eye. Like a slot machine, you suddenly stop at that one picture that captivates you amongst the blur of faces. It’s only then that you start reading the profile to see if its someone you would consider taking that next… Continue Reading

How to Brand Yourself as an Entrepreneur

How to Brand Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Developing your professional brand as an entrepreneur is important because the image you present to the world will determine how you get treated, what caliber of clients you attract, and what opportunities will show up for you in the future. For all of these reasons, you want to make sure you’re presenting a strong, confident, and persuasive image to… Continue Reading

What Would Kim Do?: The Power of Color

What Would Kim Do?: The Power of Color

We all have our favorite colors to wear, but how often do you stop to think about the power of color, and the impact that can have other people’s perception of you? In my Fashion Ambush series, I surprise unsuspecting shoppers and give them fashion tips and help them pick out flattering clothes. Watch as… Continue Reading

3 Tips For An Online Dating Photo That The Right Guys Will Love!

3 Tips For An Online Dating Photo That The Right Guys Will Love!

Your online dating photo is the first thing that catches a man’s eye online, so it’s literally the digital equivalent of a first impression. And since this first impression doesn’t also include your charm, good energy, or winning personality, it’s that much more important that you choose an amazing photo for your online dating profile – one that showcases the… Continue Reading

What To Wear To A Winter Wedding

What To Wear To A Winter Wedding

Tis the season to sparkle at a dramatic winter wedding! Getting dressed for any wedding can be a challenge, but unpredictable weather and freezing temperatures make figuring out what to wear to a winter wedding particularly difficult. To help you choose a look that keeps you warm without sacrificing style, here’s my comprehensive guide on what to wear to… Continue Reading

What Would Kim Do?: OMG Buy a LBD!

What Would Kim Do?: OMG Buy a LBD!

In my Fashion Ambush series, I surprise unsuspecting shoppers and give them fashion tips and help them pick out flattering clothes. Watch as I ambush a woman shopping for a Little Black Dress at French Lessons in Santa Monica. These tips might help you the next time you’re shopping! Continue Reading

What To Wear On A Casual Dinner Date

What To Wear On A Casual Dinner Date

Before heading out the door for a dinner date, you want to make sure your outfit is in accordance with the restaurant’s written (and unwritten) dress code. If you’re going to a place like a pub, or a casual Mexican restaurant, you want to put together a sexy, casual, and fun outfit that will impress… Continue Reading

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