Advice & Blog - Page 12 of 29 - Kimmy Seltzer | Confidence Therapist & Authentic Dating Strategist

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

7 ‘Outdated’ Dating Rules We Should Bring Back Old-timey dating rules get a bad rap for good reason. Overall, they tend to propagate silly, non-feminist notions about finding love: “Wait for him to ask you out. A lady never makes the first move.” “Follow the three-day rule: Don’t contact your date until three whole days have passed.”… Continue Reading

Happy Relationship Summit Interview

Happy Relationship Summit Interview

I recently did an interview for the Happy Relationship Summit with Deborah Morehead. As you might guess, the event was all about how you can create and keep a happy, healthy relationship with your partner. Now I’m happy to be able to share the audio from that interview with you! Listen below and you’ll learn:… Continue Reading

3 Tips to Create Meaningful Connections and Attraction

3 Tips to Create Meaningful Connections and Attraction

It can be difficult to create connections and attraction with other people, whether its in your dating, social, or business life. In this video, I share three tips that will make a big difference in how you interact with others. Learn how your image, having fun, and sharing stories can help you create the connections… Continue Reading

Backstage from Ignite Your Life 2015

Backstage from Ignite Your Life 2015

In this backstage video from the Ignite Your Life 2015 event with Marni Battista, I talk with Craig Scrime before my presentation about the “3 F’s”. This magic formula for attraction is about having fun, paying attention to fashion, and flirting. Remember, its the little things that count! Continue Reading

Are you hiding and don’t even know it?

Are you hiding and don’t even know it?

It’s easy to hide inside your clothes (and other ways, too), which can prevent you from attracting what you want in a partner – and life. In this video for Digital Romance TV, I share ways you might be “hiding” in your clothes, through your body language and actions. I also share ways you can come… Continue Reading

Brett’s Story – Think your situation is tough?

Brett’s Story – Think your situation is tough?

After a car accident, Brett lost his ability to speak and move his right side. He worked hard in physical therapy to regain those lost attributes, but his confidence was harder to get back. So we took a trip to Vegas, where he practiced getting out of his head and into his body, and talking… Continue Reading

Top 3 Challenges Women Face For Attracting Men

Top 3 Challenges Women Face For Attracting Men

Ladies, let’s be honest – it can be challenging to attract the right guy. In this video, I identify 3 personality “avatars” you may be embodying, and how they trip you up. I also share some ways you can overcome those difficulties and attract more men into your life!         Originally published… Continue Reading

Denise’s Makeover – Stop hiding in your clothes

Denise’s Makeover – Stop hiding in your clothes

Denise was transitioning out of the military, and needed some help with her wardrobe. Watch as she transforms from her days of being in camouflaged fatigues to a classy entrepreneur. After getting out of her clothes that literally blended in with her environment, she has been more confident in her body and in her life… Continue Reading

4 Surprising Mistakes Women Make on a Date

4 Surprising Mistakes Women Make on a Date

Have you ever been on a date and you think you did all of the right things yet he still didn’t ask you out again? You bought a cute new dress, got your hair blown out, had great date etiquette, was polite and thought you had a nice conversation. So what went wrong? Well, it… Continue Reading

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