Advice & Blog - Page 11 of 29 - Kimmy Seltzer | Confidence Therapist & Authentic Dating Strategist

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

HuffPost: Featuring Kim Seltzer

7 ‘Outdated’ Dating Rules We Should Bring Back Old-timey dating rules get a bad rap for good reason. Overall, they tend to propagate silly, non-feminist notions about finding love: “Wait for him to ask you out. A lady never makes the first move.” “Follow the three-day rule: Don’t contact your date until three whole days have passed.”… Continue Reading

“Secrets to Total Life Success” Interview

“Secrets to Total Life Success” Interview

What does success mean to you? How do you achieve that success? And why is it seemingly so easy for some people to be successfully, but it feels like a constant struggle for you? In this interview for the “Secrets to Total Life Success” event, Kim Jones and I talk about what it truly means to… Continue Reading

3 Easy Tips to Increase Your Confidence

3 Easy Tips to Increase Your Confidence

Having confidence helps you attract what you want, in dating and in life. In this video, I share three tips for helping you feel more confident. Learn how to pick confidence boosting clothes, find your natural confidence, and how to identify your strengths.       Originally published on Digital Romance. Continue Reading

Letting Go of Perfectionism

Letting Go of Perfectionism

“I’ll date when I have perfect pictures for my online profile. I’ll buy new clothes when I lose 10 lbs. I’ll talk to that attractive woman standing alone in the market when I find the right thing to say.” Sound familiar? Let’s face it, we can all be hard on ourselves. In fact, we often… Continue Reading

Dating After Divorce… Am I a Teenager….Again?

Dating After Divorce… Am I a Teenager….Again?

Salsa dancing, bar hopping, losing weight, making out with younger men and women, mood swings, erratic dating and OMG is that a zit? No I’m not talking about being a teenager. I take it back. Dating and getting back out there after a long-term relationship DOES feel like you are going through adolescence all over… Continue Reading

Online Dating: How to Add a Little Flirt to Your Messages

Online Dating: How to Add a Little Flirt to Your Messages

First things first Flirting through online messaging can be fun and exciting, but that doesn’t mean you should start sending your amorous messages right out of the gate. Don’t be hasty, make sure to first establish a connection with that attractive guy or girl before sending anything to risqué. Remember, the people you’re speaking to… Continue Reading

Breaking Through With Dr. Penn

Breaking Through With Dr. Penn

When it comes to dating and relationships, there’s a lot going on in our minds. The study of psychology can teach us a lot about – and help us be more successful on – our dating lives. In this interview on the show “Breaking Through With Doctor Penn”, Dr. Penn and I discuss dating, relationships,… Continue Reading

How to Approach Hot Women

How to Approach Hot Women

Many men find it difficult to talk to women they find attractive. In this video, I share some advice about how to approach the women you want to be with. Learn how shifting your mindset, refining your look and being present in the moment can help you spark up a conversation. Originally published on Digital Romance. Continue Reading

LA Talk Radio

LA Talk Radio

I was on the LA Talk Radio show “Sam in the Morning with Jen”. We talked about the modern dating landscape, how technology is changing dating, the shifting gender roles and how they influence dating culture, as well as some ways to feel more comfortable out there on the dating scene. This is definitely a… Continue Reading

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