What Would Kim Do?: Variety Is The Spice Of Life! - Kimmy Seltzer | Confidence Therapist & Authentic Dating Strategist

What Would Kim Do?: Variety Is The Spice Of Life!

Men love versatility. Plain and simple. They love when a woman can look good au natural with a T-shirt and jeans AND who can get dressed up in a hot LBD (for those of you who didn’t get my previous newsletters this means Little Black Dress :)). Whether you are dating someone new, have a partner or have been married for a long time, spicing things up by varying your look is key to keeping the spark alive. If you watched the video above, you heard me talk about this very topic. It’s a symbiotic relationship between you looking and feeling your best and then getting reinforced by your man through his praises and looks of adornment. My experience with clients have allowed me to help both men and women discover and rediscover their mojo so that they can keep that attraction going through being versatile and spontaneous. Here are the 3 major areas to focus on in order to rev up the heat:

Your Image — At the end of the day, you want to attract a guy who likes you for you. But let him see different sides of you! If you are always wearing jeans, surprise him with a hot new dress and heels. If it’s a second date, wear something either more casual or dressier than the first to excite him. Dress ?sexily, subtly and comfortably.

Your Body Language — Know how to use your body and physical contact to reinforce your affection for your man. Use your body to flirt, tease and get into your sexual and sensual side. If you haven’t dated in a while, vary your activities to get your body moving again like pole dancing or salsa dancing. Surprise your current man with your new skill or your new man with your various talents.

Your Actions — Put fun and magic into your dates or relationship by having fun doing different activities. It’s easy to do the same thing over and over again like going out to dinner and drinks. Instead,  pick something that is not already part of your routine as a couple of the typical first date so it has some novelty, spontaneity and appeal. Rather than simply going to dinner, consider doing activities that spike up that adrenaline like horseback riding, cycling, bungee jumping or hiking to give you something new to try.
So the next time you have a date with your man, take time to get dressed up and wear something sexy and different than your everyday attire. Here are some tips on getting some great date night outfits that will keep him coming back for more!

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